10. Portia Labiata
Portia Labiata is a jumper spider and it is a smart animal. Scientists have tried a variety of simple cases to this smart animal to determine its ability to solve problems. Evidently this spider can memorize the rhythm provided by scientists, even it can remember anything that selectively targets given.
9. Mouse
Mouse is a smart animal. Mouse has a psychology that is almost similar to humans. They may feel stressed, sad, happy, and even regret. This smart animal also can dream like human, make up to attract a female, and learn new things. Its Intelligence is widely used to identify various types of harmful food, disease, and even land mines!
8. Crow
Crow is a smart animal. Crow makes a knife of grass hard to pick the fruit, uses bread crumbs to lure the fish out, or waits for passing cars to steals food and then placed on the roof of the car.
7. Border Collie
Border Collie comes from Scotland, and it is as the world's smartest dog. In Scotland, This dog is used for herding cattle. Border Collie can solve complex problems that he encountered while herding cattle. Herding cattle is difficult, but the Border Collie can learn it quickly.
6. Octopus
Octopus is a smart animal who lives in the depths of ocean. Octopus has a fairly large brain by nerve sensors that allow to think quickly. From various experiments by scientists, for example, putting the crab in the jar, the octopus can open and catch it. Sometimes it even can be found in the hull were catching crabs.
The largest octopus ever found weighed 273 kilograms and with a range of bodies reached 30 meters!
5. African Grey Parrot
African Grey Parrot is a smart animal. Cockatoos are usually only able to imitate human speech, but the African Grey Parrot be able to answer questions. Surely it is necessary to exercise first. African Grey Parrot can recognize dozens of questions that contain words from the simple to the most complex, recognize dozens of colors, various forms, and numerical values are presented.
4. Elephant
Elephant is a smart animal. Elephant memory capabilities can be proven from how they remember the route and the distance they travel, remember the colony members, and their ability to distinguish calls to each other elephants. Elephants can even call the other elephants in the distance of many miles with a shout, a trumpet, or by calling through the soil.
Rhesus Monkey is a smart animal. It is different to chimpanzee. Chimpanzee is a primate. Primate and monkey are different. Besides having a high level of intelligence, the Rhesus Monkey also has a psychological tendency that is similar to humans, even if they can commit suicide in despair! Rhesus monkey is a monkey who is considered the most intelligent monkey in the world. Rhesus Monkey's habitat is widely available in Asian mainland, particularly in Afghanistan, China, and India.
2. Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphin's brain is larger than the type of other dolphins' brain. Moreover, Bottlenose Dolphin has a cerebral cortex 40% larger than humans. The cerebral cortex is an area of the brain that serves to social communication, information processing abstraction, problem solving, and intelligence in accepting new things. Dolphins use sonar called echolocation sound to detect prey, danger warnings, as well as seeking colonies. These capabilities are used by the U.S. Navy (U.S. Navy) in a variety of research missions as well as cleaning sea mines.
1. Chimpanzee
Chimpanzee is the smartest animal in the primate world, and scientists also acknowledge that Chimpanzee is the smartest animal in the world today. Chimpanzee is originated from tropical forests in Africa. They live in groups, socializing with others, even they have an organization. They are creatures that show resembles to early human activity. Chimpanzee can make a spear for hunting rabbits in the hole, picking fruit with a pole, break nuts with stones, and even fishing with a tree branch!
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