The Mind and The Brain | Our own minds as very real to us, and yet the mind does not seem to have a physical existence. That is, it cannot be located in space. What is the relationship between the mind and the body? Dualists (believers in two) believe that both the body and the mind exist. According to dualists, the body is made of matter and exists in time and space, and the mind is not made of matter and exists outside of the time and space. To the dualists, the body is like a machine that’s run according to the laws of physics and chemistry, but the mind is not controlled by these laws. (One philosopher called the mind “the ghost in the machine.”)
Some philosopher called materialistic say that only matter exists and that the mind is an illusion. One humorist summed up both these arguments by saying “No matter, No mind.”
Many philosophers and scientists have tried to decide where the mind is located in human body. Two Greek philosophers, Empedocles and Aristotle, said that it was in the heart. Another Greek, Hippocrates of Cos, said that is was in the brain. An early Doctor, Galen, thought the mind was located in the fluid inside the brain. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, a subject called phrenology was popular. According to Phrenology, different functions of the mind were located in different parts of the brain. Phrenology also believed that the bumps on a person’s head revealed things about the brain (and mind) of that person.